Monday, March 14, 2011

Day Forty-One: Matthew 1-4

Matthew 1-4: No Hesitation 

There's a pattern as Matthew begins his gospel. Did you notice it? Matthew is so understated that it's easy to miss. Just in case you did, here's a summary: when God commands, you obey immediately.

Joseph was commanded to wed Mary.
When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel commanded.

The wise men saw the star.
They came to worship the Messiah.

God warned the wise men about Herod.
The wise men left Herod alone.

Joseph was warned in a dream to go to Egypt.
Joseph woke up and took his family to Egypt.

Joseph was told in a dream to go to Israel.
Joseph awoke and took his family to Israel.

Jesus called a few fishermen to follow him.
They left their nets and immediately followed him.

When God calls you to obey there really isn't a need to pray about it, to think about it or to ponder it over as you buy time to hopefully avoid the situation altogether. No, when God calls he desires immediate response, no hesitation required.

Joseph seemed like a devout, simple man. I once heard the bible scholar Ravi Zacharias say that we preach Christ simply but not simplistically. I think Joseph would have agreed. I think the wise men would have nodded their heads. I think the fishermen turned disciples would get tears in their eyes.

As Lenten season begins remember to keep things simple. As you make more space in your life for God, chances are He will begin to speak truth into your life and when he does, simply obey. As He commands, respond. God tends to work this way. He tends to use people who think they know so little, to do the most astounding things for His kingdom. May we be counted amongst those so blessed.

(Melissa Bailey)

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