Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day Forty-Three: Matthew 9-12

Jesus was unlike any teacher, healer or exorcist these people had ever seen.
What was it about Jesus’ teaching that astonished people?  It was the fact that Jesus taught with authority.  All of the scribes would make a practice of quoting other rabbis, other teachers who were respected as a way of gaining authority for their own teaching.  Even prophets would begin their prophetic oracles by saying, “This is what the Lord says…” But Jesus never does this.  He never quotes an outside authority, he says, “Truly, truly, I say to you.” 
Notice also that Jesus is no conjurer of spells, no witch-doctor manipualtor of spirits. Jesus never invokes a higher power. When he heals people, when he casts out demons, when he stills the storm, He never says, “Stand back. In the name of…”  He never invokes a higher power.  Why?  Because he is the higher power. 
You see, Jesus’ authority over diseases and demons is an indication of who He is.   The primary purpose of the signs and wonders in the ministry of Jesus is so that people will ask what the disciples asked: “Who is this?  What sort of man is this?”  

Tim Keller says that there have really been few people in history who taught and lived in such a way that people asked them not merely, “who are you?” but “what are you?”  You could probably make a case for Buddha, and then Jesus.   The difference between these two is that Buddha repeatedly pointed people to his teaching.  He said, “don’t look at me; look at my dharma, look at my teaching.”  But Jesus repeatedly pointed people to himself.  
Everything that Jesus did while he was on earth He did to show people who He is.  Accordingly, Jesus’ miracles were not the treasure themselves – they were signposts to point to the treasure.  They were meant to scream in no uncertain terms: 
“God is walking among you.  Behold your God!  He is the one who commands the wind.  He is the one who opens the eyes of the blind.  He is the treasure. Embrace Him.  Believe in Him.” 
Lord, let me not be a person who never sees the treasure because I am so fascinated with the signs. Amen.

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