The book of Acts is filled with these amazing, and sometimes comical stories. I mean, how many times do the religious leaders have Peter and John arrested and then command them not to preach in the name of Jesus? You get this sense of their frustration: they command them not to preach, and the next day, there they are again. They throw them in jail, and by the time they get everyone assembled for the trial, Peter and John have been released from prison and are preaching in the temple again. They drag them back to the council and say, “What’s going on? Why do you keep on defying us? Why aren’t you afraid of us?”
Peter and John say things like: “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” (4.19) and “We must obey God rather than any human authority... we are witnesses of these things” (5.29-32).
In other words, “we’re not impressed by you. We’re only impressed by God and what he’s done.”
They beat them, and it says that “The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus.” (5.41)
Their attitude, in the face of suffering, is “we’re just glad that he let us suffer for him. what a privilege!”
I need a change of perspective. Most of the time I am more impressed with other people, more concerned with what they think about me, and forgetful of God. Most of the time when following God makes my life difficult, my response is not one of joy.
I want to be as impressed with God as the apostles were.
Lord, I pray that you would break the fear of man in my life. Let other people’s estimation of me become less impressive, and help me to see you for how great you truly are. Impress me with yourself. Amen.
My small group leader (jokingly) said that phillip teleported at the end of chapter 8
ReplyDeleteThat is definitely what it sounds like happened. I remember asking my dad that exact question once.